Featured Classes & Events

Explore Ananda

Enter the doorways of practice, study, community and service

Learn meditation and experience the joy of inner communion.

Discover the essence of Hatha Yoga, aligning body, mind and spirit.

Learn effective tools to improve your life and expand your consciousness.​

Start today your professional training in meditation, yoga, spiritual counseling and more!

Explore the path of Kriya Yoga, the art and science of soul awakening.

Fun and creative activities will equip your children with essential life skills.

Free Inspiration

Joy of Giving

If you have been touched in your own journey, by a talk, a prayer, a song, a class, a book, a video, and course, please consider making a donation so that we, as a family, may all continue to reach souls everywhere.

Thank you for being a part of this community of souls who support each other on the path to God.

Joy is Within You!

Ananda is a global spiritual movement of Self-realization based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi.”

“Ananda” means the “Joy within You!” is yours! 

Discover how yoga, meditation and many hands and hearts can make miracles.